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Unchecked Runtime.lasterror: The Message Port Closed Before A Response Was Received.

Unchecked Runtime.lasterror: The Message Port Closed Before A Response Was Received.

I just changed machines at work, and suddenly I'm getting errors in console, regardless of page visited or anything else I have noticed, and I narrowed down that it's coming from cVim. Unfortunately, the console error will not jump to the source, instead insisting that the error came from the root page, loading the HTML of the page visited in the source browser instead.It doesn't appear to cause any usability errors, but as we're in the middle of a release I thought it was a newly-introduced bug in our own code when I saw it. I've never seen it before and hadn't seen this bug anywhere else. A quick googling brought up and lydell's associated bug reproduction repo on GitHub.I'm more than happy to contribute a few minutes here and there to cVim.

Shows Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received. In many mouse actions, but did not affect download process, just noisy in inspect view. Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received. Seems that some chrome extension that you have installed recently is creating problem. If you remove the recent installed extension then it will solve your problem.

But I'm new to the project and have barely touched extension code before at all. If someone can point me in the right direction I'll happily fork/correct/make PR and continue running my locally-built extension until the next official release gets picked up with a fix. I failed to locate any specific strings relating to this bug, but wondered if it might be coming from messenger.js.Thanks! Hey,.I haven't had sufficient time/energy/attention span to look into this further yet. Of the 20+ extensions I use, cVim is the only one suffering the issue right now.


Unchecked Runtime.lasterror The Message Port Closed Before A Response Was Received. Html

I am inclined to believe it's something in more recent builds of Chrome itself because before my from-scratch installation on the new machine I never saw this.I would suggest downgrading Chrome and disabling auto-update, or running a more recent Canary or Chrome build - if they've managed to patch it already - if this is significantly affecting you. Eventually, newer Chrome builds should push out to everyone and the issue will evaporate.

Unchecked runtime.lasterror the message port closed before a response was received. doctypeResponse

I've noticed that I get the following error on Chrome now (not yet sure whether it happens on other browsers):Whenever I move the mouse, it logs this error in the console: Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.This error accumulates whenever the mouse moves in the browser window. If the mouse is in the console area, it does not log the error, similarly, if the mouse is in the bookmarks bar, it does not log the error. The error is only logged if the mouse is anywhere on any web page. Check out the image below for the error.Any idea what I can do about this?I should note that when I opened Chrome's JavaScript Console today, it gave me the 'What's New' message.Other info about my PC:Google Chrome is up to date Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)Windows 10 Home (64-bit), also up to date.

Unchecked Runtime.lasterror: The Message Port Closed Before A Response Was Received.